Saturday, December 9, 2023

Full Backupan Realme C55 RMX3710 Masi Mentah

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Full Backupan Realme C55 RMX3710 Masi Mentah

Full Backupan Realme C55 RMX3710 Masi Mentah.File dibackup hp normal tanpa kendala apapun,file berguna untuk mengatasi masalh BOOTLOOP,HANG LOGO,GETAR ONLY,MATI TOTAL dan seterusnya...


Searching Device : Connected
Adb New Info: OK
Manufacturer: realme
Name: RMX3710
Model: RMX3710
Android version: 13
Platform: mt6768
CPU: arm64-v8a
Description: sys_mssi_64_cn_armv82-user 13 TP1A.220905.001 1694233010712 release-keys
Fingerprint: realme/RMX3710/REE2ADL1:13/SP1A.210812.016/T.R4T2.1321e7f_563:user/release-keys
Board platform: mt6768
Product board: RM6769
Display ID: RMX3710_11_A.61
Serial number: OFQ49HTCNNQGD66X
Version incremental: T.R4T2.1321e7f_563
Version SDK: 33
Version codename: REL
Version release: 13
Build date: Sat Sep  9 12:16:50 CST 2023
Build type: user
Build user: root
Status Bootloader: 



READ BACK Reading preloader [512 KiB] -> preloader.bin... OK
Reading pgpt [32 KiB] -> pgpt.bin... OK
Reading misc [1 MiB] -> misc.img... OK
Reading para [1 MiB] -> para.bin... OK
Reading oplusreserve1 [8 MiB] -> oplusreserve1.img... OK
Reading oplusreserve2 [256 MiB] -> oplusreserve2.img... OK
Reading oplusreserve3 [64 MiB] -> oplusreserve3.img... OK
Reading oplus_custom [1 MiB] -> oplus_custom.img... OK
Reading expdb [40 MiB] -> expdb.bin... OK
Reading frp [1 MiB] -> frp.bin... OK
Reading vbmeta_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_system_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_system_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_vendor_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_vendor_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_b.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_system_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_system_b.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_vendor_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_vendor_b.img... OK
Reading md_udc [22.6 MiB] -> md_udc.bin... OK
Reading metadata [32 MiB] -> metadata.img... OK
Reading nvcfg [32 MiB] -> nvcfg.img... OK
Reading nvdata [64 MiB] -> nvdata.img... OK
Reading persist [48 MiB] -> persist.img... OK
Reading protect1 [8 MiB] -> protect1.img... OK
Reading protect2 [13.37 MiB] -> protect2.img... OK
Reading seccfg [8 MiB] -> seccfg.bin... OK
Reading md1img_a [200 MiB] -> md1img_a.img... OK
Reading spmfw_a [1 MiB] -> spmfw_a.img... OK
Reading scp_a [6 MiB] -> scp_a.img... OK
Reading sspm_a [1 MiB] -> sspm_a.img... OK
Reading gz_a [32 MiB] -> gz_a.img... OK
Reading lk_a [4 MiB] -> lk_a.img... OK
Reading boot_a [64 MiB] -> boot_a.img... OK
Reading vendor_boot_a [64 MiB] -> vendor_boot_a.img... OK
Reading init_boot_a [8 MiB] -> init_boot_a.img... OK
Reading dtbo_a [8 MiB] -> dtbo_a.img... OK
Reading cdt_engineering_a [11 MiB] -> cdt_engineering_a.img... OK
Reading tee_a [5 MiB] -> tee_a.img... OK
Reading sec1 [2 MiB] -> sec1.bin... OK
Reading proinfo [3 MiB] -> proinfo.bin... OK
Reading boot_para [26 MiB] -> boot_para.bin... OK
Reading nvram [64 MiB] -> nvram.img... OK
Reading logo [13 MiB] -> logo.bin... OK
Reading ocdt [8 MiB] -> ocdt.img... OK
Reading splash_odm [8 MiB] -> splash_odm.img... OK
Reading md1img_b [200 MiB] -> md1img_b.img... OK
Reading spmfw_b [1 MiB] -> spmfw_b.img... OK
Reading scp_b [6 MiB] -> scp_b.img... OK
Reading sspm_b [1 MiB] -> sspm_b.img... OK
Reading gz_b [32 MiB] -> gz_b.img... OK
Reading lk_b [4 MiB] -> lk_b.img... OK
Reading boot_b [64 MiB] -> boot_b.img... OK
Reading vendor_boot_b [64 MiB] -> vendor_boot_b.img... OK
Reading init_boot_b [8 MiB] -> init_boot_b.img... OK
Reading dtbo_b [8 MiB] -> dtbo_b.img... OK
Reading cdt_engineering_b [11 MiB] -> cdt_engineering_b.img... OK
Reading tee_b [5 MiB] -> tee_b.img... OK
Reading oplusreserve5 [32 MiB] -> oplusreserve5.img... OK
Reading oplusreserve6 [64 MiB] -> oplusreserve6.img... OK
Reading param [4 MiB] -> param.img... OK
Reading super [11 GiB] -> super.img... OK
Reading otp [43 MiB] -> otp.img... OK
Reading flashinfo [16 MiB] -> flashinfo.img... OK

Elapsed time : 8 minutes 10 seconds

Phone must have battery inside!
Waiting for device... COM13 [PRELOADER:0E8D:2000]
Handshaking... OK
Reading hardware info... OK
  Hardware : MT6768 [Helio G70|G80|G85|P65] 0707 8A00 CA00 0000
  Security Config : SCB DAA 
  MEID : 988D642C4D75D39EA913ED9701839AEB
Sending Download-Agent... OK
Syncing with target... OK
Booting device (preloader auth)... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
  Storage : EMMC - CID : 44000115.34425455.5D700232.1F3AECBE 
  Vendor : Samsung - Name : DUTB42 - Serial : 3971898736 - Rev : 2
  Boot1 : 4 MiB - Boot2 : 4 MiB - RPMB : 16 MiB - User Area : 116.48 GiB 
Reading partition info... OK [60]
Reading device info... OK [super]
   Manufacturer : REALME

Elapsed time : 11 seconds

Mengingat file terlalu besar(12GB Lebih),jadi kami menjadikanya beberapa part agar memudahkan proses download dan seterusnya..

Support Preloader
EMIInfo{0x1}:1501005756364a4d42:0x15:Samsung:WV6JMB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):8.00GB
EMIInfo{0x2}:13014e473243323135:0x13:Micron:G2C215:0x4e:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):8.00GB
EMIInfo{0x3}:450100444134313238:0x45:Sandisk:DA4128:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x4}:13014e473243323139:0x13:Micron:G2C219:0x4e:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x5}:150100334836434142:0x15:Samsung:3H6CAB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):6.00GB
EMIInfo{0x6}:90014a68433861503e:0x90:SkHynix:hC8aP>:0x4a:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):6.00GB
EMIInfo{0x7}:13014e47314a395238:0x13:Micron:G1J9R8:0x4e:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x8}:13014e47314a395339:0x13:Micron:G1J9S9:0x4e:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x9}:150100445836384d42:0x15:Samsung:DX68MB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):3.00GB
EMIInfo{0xa}:150100445036444142:0x15:Samsung:DP6DAB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0xb}:150100445636444142:0x15:Samsung:DV6DAB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0xc}:150100445636444242:0x15:Samsung:DV6DBB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0xd}:150100445036444242:0x15:Samsung:DP6DBB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0xe}:150100445636444d42:0x15:Samsung:DV6DMB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0xf}:13014e53304a394b39:0x13:Micron:S0J9K9:0x4e:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x10}:150100444436384d42:0x15:Samsung:DD68MB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):3.00GB
EMIInfo{0x11}:150100444836444142:0x15:Samsung:DH6DAB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x12}:90014a68433861503e:0x90:SkHynix:hC8aP>:0x4a:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):3.00GB
EMIInfo{0x13}:90014a684339615033:0x90:SkHynix:hC9aP3:0x4a:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):4.00GB
EMIInfo{0x14}:150100445036384d42:0x15:Samsung:DP68MB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):3.00GB
EMIInfo{0x15}:90014a68423861503e:0x90:SkHynix:hB8aP>:0x4a:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):3.00GB
EMIInfo{0x16}:1501003458364b4d42:0x15:Samsung:4X6KMB:0x0:BGA (Discrete embedded):DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDR4X):2.00GB

Realme C55 Backupan Single Link File nv only bisa diambil disini Nvram Realme C55.Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses

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