Friday, March 15, 2024

Firmware Backup Oppo A17

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Firmware Backup Oppo A17

Firmware Backup Oppo A17.File dibackup dari kondisi normal jaya langsung dari hpnya,file sudah teruji mengatasi masalah MATI TOTAL,HANG LOGO,BOOTLOOP dan kerusakan softwarenya lainya.mana kala ini dibutuhkan silahkan unduh.


Info System
Manufacturer : ro.ossi
FINGERPRINT : oplus/ossi/ossi:12/SP1A.210812.016/1663815144018:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : SP1A.210812.016
SECURITY PATCH  : 2022-08-05
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
Build Description : vnd_k65v1_64_bsp-user 12 SP1A.210812.016 1663815144018 release-keys
Platform : mt6765
ODM NAME : ossi
Manufacturer : ro.ossi
FINGERPRINT : oplus/ossi/ossi:12/SP1A.210812.016/1663815144018:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : SP1A.210812.016
SECURITY PATCH  : 2022-08-05
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
Build Description : vnd_k65v1_64_bsp-user 12 SP1A.210812.016 1663815144018 release-keys
SECURITY PATCH : 2022-08-05

Listing part... 

Partition : boot_para  = 1.00 MB
Partition : para  = 512.00 KB
Partition : oplusreserve1  = 8.00 MB
Partition : oplusreserve2  = 128.00 MB
Partition : oplusreserve3  = 64.00 MB
Partition : oplus_custom  = 1.00 MB
Partition : expdb  = 20.00 MB
Partition : frp  = 1.00 MB
Partition : nvcfg  = 32.00 MB
Partition : nvdata  = 64.00 MB
Partition : md_udc  = 22.60 MB
Partition : metadata  = 32.00 MB
Partition : protect1  = 8.00 MB
Partition : protect2  = 9.87 MB
Partition : seccfg  = 8.00 MB
Partition : persist  = 48.00 MB
Partition : sec1  = 2.00 MB
Partition : proinfo  = 3.00 MB
Partition : nvram  = 64.00 MB
Partition : ocdt  = 8.00 MB
Partition : oplusreserve5  = 32.00 MB
Partition : oplusreserve6  = 64.00 MB
Partition : logo  = 11.00 MB
Partition : md_a  = 100.00 MB
Partition : spmfw_a  = 1.00 MB
Partition : scp_a  = 1.00 MB
Partition : sspm_a  = 1.00 MB
Partition : gz_a  = 16.00 MB
Partition : lk_a  = 5.00 MB
Partition : boot_a  = 64.00 MB
Partition : vendor_boot_a  = 64.00 MB
Partition : dtbo_a  = 8.00 MB
Partition : tee_a  = 5.00 MB
Partition : vbmeta_a  = 8.00 MB
Partition : vbmeta_system_a  = 8.00 MB
Partition : vbmeta_vendor_a  = 8.00 MB
Partition : cdt_engineering_a  = 15.00 MB
Partition : md_b  = 100.00 MB
Partition : spmfw_b  = 1.00 MB
Partition : scp_b  = 1.00 MB
Partition : sspm_b  = 1.00 MB
Partition : gz_b  = 16.00 MB
Partition : lk_b  = 5.00 MB
Partition : boot_b  = 64.00 MB
Partition : vendor_boot_b  = 64.00 MB
Partition : dtbo_b  = 8.00 MB
Partition : tee_b  = 5.00 MB
Partition : cdt_engineering_b  = 15.00 MB
Partition : super  = 9.50 GB
Partition : vbmeta_b  = 8.00 MB
Partition : vbmeta_system_b  = 8.00 MB
Partition : vbmeta_vendor_b  = 8.00 MB
Partition : userdata  = 47.47 GB
Partition : otp  = 43.00 MB
Partition : flashinfo  = 16.00 MB

User area : 62537072640
Total Real : 58.24 GB

Oppo A17 A.16.untuk yang membutuhkan file dumpnya silahkan unduh disini FILE DUMP EMMC OPPO A17. NVRAM ONLY Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses


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