Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Backup Full Vivo 1611 Qualcomm UFS Android ToolBox

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Backup Full Vivo 1611 Qualcomm UFS Android ToolBox
UFS Android ToolBox

 Backup Full Vivo 1611 Qualcomm UFS Android ToolBox.Sebelumnya hp ini terkunci done menggunakan UFS Android ToolBox tanpa hilang data,untuk keperluan lain sengaja kami backup,jika membutuhkan silahkan diunduh...

Log Adb : 
Searching Device : Connected
Gathering Phone Info: OK
Brand: vivo
Model: vivo 1611
Android Version: 7.1.2
Desc: msm8953_64-user 7.1.2 N2G47H eng.compil.20191015.144423 release-keys
Flatform: arm64-v8a
Board Flatform: qcom
Board Flatform Type: msm8953

SWVER: unknown
N2G47H release-keys
USBType: charging,adb
Encryption: encrypted
Modem: 953_GEN_PACK-1.179545.1.181534.1
RF Cal. Date: 
Security Patch Date: 2019-10-01
CID: /system/bin/sh: cat: /sys/class/block/mmcblk0/device/cid: Permission denied
Code Name: 
Product Region: 
Hw country: 
Status Bootloader: 
Your Phone Name is: 1611
IMEI1: xxxxxx
IMEI2: xxxxxx
Serial number: af00a843

Log Backup :

Power Off ... 

Edl Mode : Press Hold [Vol Up] + [Vol Down]
[or Methode Test Point]
Please USB Connect...  Waiting for Edl Mode...

 Mode detected: firehose
 Storage report:
Total Block:  122142720
Block Size:  512
Page Size:  512
Num Physical:  3
Firmware Version:  5
Memory Type:  eMMC
Dumping Partition :   modem with sector count 172032 as Backup\Lun\modem.bin.
 sector 32768, sectors 172032
Dumping Partition :   fsc with sector count 2 as Backup\Lun\fsc.bin.
 sector 229376, sectors 2
Dumping Partition :   ssd with sector count 16 as Backup\Lun\ssd.bin.
 sector 229378, sectors 16
Dumping Partition :   sbl1 with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1.bin.
 sector 229394, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   sbl1bak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1bak.bin.
 sector 230418, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   rpm with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpm.bin.
 sector 231442, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   rpmbak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpmbak.bin.
 sector 232466, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   tz with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tz.bin.
 sector 233490, sectors 4096
Dumping Partition :   tzbak with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tzbak.bin.
 sector 237586, sectors 4096
Dumping Partition :   devcfg with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfg.bin.
 sector 241682, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   devcfgbak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfgbak.bin.
 sector 242194, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   dsp with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\dsp.bin.
 sector 242706, sectors 32768
Dumping Partition :   modemst1 with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\modemst1.bin.
 sector 275474, sectors 3072
Dumping Partition :   modemst2 with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\modemst2.bin.
 sector 278546, sectors 3072
Dumping Partition :   DDR with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\DDR.bin.
 sector 294912, sectors 64
Dumping Partition :   fsg with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\fsg.bin.
 sector 294976, sectors 3072
Dumping Partition :   sec with sector count 32 as Backup\Lun\sec.bin.
 sector 298048, sectors 32
Dumping Partition :   splash with sector count 22528 as Backup\Lun\splash.bin.
 sector 327680, sectors 22528
Dumping Partition :   aboot with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\aboot.bin.
 sector 360448, sectors 32768
Dumping Partition :   abootbak with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\abootbak.bin.
 sector 393216, sectors 32768
Dumping Partition :   boot with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\boot.bin.
 sector 425984, sectors 131072
Dumping Partition :   recovery with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\recovery.bin.
 sector 557056, sectors 131072
Dumping Partition :   devinfo with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\devinfo.bin.
 sector 688128, sectors 32768
Dumping Partition :   system with sector count 6291456 as Backup\Lun\system.bin.
 sector 720896, sectors 6291456
Dumping Partition :   cache with sector count 524288 as Backup\Lun\cache.bin.
 sector 7012352, sectors 524288
Dumping Partition :   persist with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\persist.bin.
 sector 7536640, sectors 65536
Dumping Partition :   misc with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\misc.bin.
 sector 7602176, sectors 2048
Dumping Partition :   keystore with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\keystore.bin.
 sector 7604224, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   config with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\config.bin.
 sector 7605248, sectors 64
Dumping Partition :   oem with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\oem.bin.
 sector 7605312, sectors 131072
Dumping Partition :   limits with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\limits.bin.
 sector 7766016, sectors 64
Dumping Partition :   mota with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\mota.bin.
 sector 7798784, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   dip with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\dip.bin.
 sector 7799808, sectors 2048
Dumping Partition :   mdtp with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\mdtp.bin.
 sector 7801856, sectors 65536
Dumping Partition :   syscfg with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\syscfg.bin.
 sector 7867392, sectors 1024
Dumping Partition :   mcfg with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\mcfg.bin.
 sector 7868416, sectors 8192
Dumping Partition :   cmnlib with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib.bin.
 sector 7897088, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   cmnlibbak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\cmnlibbak.bin.
 sector 7897600, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   cmnlib64 with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64.bin.
 sector 7898112, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   cmnlib64bak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64bak.bin.
 sector 7898624, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   keymaster with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\keymaster.bin.
 sector 7899136, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   keymasterbak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\keymasterbak.bin.
 sector 7899648, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   survival with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\survival.bin.
 sector 7900160, sectors 131072
Dumping Partition :   apdp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\apdp.bin.
 sector 8060928, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   msadp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\msadp.bin.
 sector 8061440, sectors 512
Dumping Partition :   dpo with sector count 16 as Backup\Lun\dpo.bin.
 sector 8061952, sectors 16
Dumping Partition :   apanic with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\apanic.bin.
 sector 8061968, sectors 20480
Dumping Partition :   backup with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\backup.bin.
 sector 8082448, sectors 20480
Dumping Partition :   reserved with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\reserved.bin.
 sector 8102928, sectors 20480
Dumping Partition :   apps with sector count 614400 as Backup\Lun\apps.bin.
 sector 8123408, sectors 614400
Reading Skip Userdata: Completed
finished. total time: 2 minutes ~ 36 seconds
► Total Size In Folder : 4,157.7 Mb / 4.1 Gb

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