Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Firmware Backupan Samsung A11

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Firmware Backupan Samsung A11

Firmware Backupan Samsung A11.Firmware kami backup menggunakan UFS Tool dengan kondisi normal jaya(File Mentah) manakala untuk perbaikan software dan sinyal bisa menggunakan file backupan ini,silahkan unduh filenya ....


Power Off ... 

Edl Mode : Press Hold [Vol Up] + [Vol Down]
[or Methode Test Point]
Please USB Connect...  Waiting for Edl Mode...

 Mode detected: sahara
HWID:  0x0009a0e100200000 (MSM_ID:0x0009a0e1,OEM_ID:0x0020,MODEL_ID:0x0000)
CPU:  "SDM450"
PK HASH:  0x2a9630bd810ba7b60ee2750c46a10d3f55e8d0e9b8b36d75632053f4cbaa55ed
Serial:  0x1336fb37
 Storage report:
Total Block:  61071360
Block Size:  512
Page Size:  512
Num Physical:  3
Firmware Version:  3
Memory Type:  eMMC
User Area:  31268536320Bytes

Analyzing System,Please WAIT.... 

Manufacturer : ro.a11q
FINGERPRINT : samsung/a11qnsxx/a11q:12/SP1A.210812.016/A115FXXU5CWF1:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : SP1A.210812.016
SECURITY PATCH  : 2023-05-01
CPU ABI : armeabi-v7a
Build Description : a11qnsxx-user 12 SP1A.210812.016 A115FXXU5CWF1 release-keys
Platform : msm8953
SIM State : unknown
ODM NAME : a11qnsxx

Storage : SAMSUNG-BGA221
DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDDR3):3.00GB : prod_name : prod_name:GX6BAB

Total Real :29.12 GB
Identify Completed 

finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 19 seconds


Backup Before Doing Any Work
Save To Folder: \\Backup\Skip Userdata Incloud Raw Xml 
Power Off ... 

Edl Mode : Press Hold [Vol Up] + [Vol Down]
[or Methode Test Point]
Please USB Connect...  Waiting for Edl Mode...

 Mode detected: firehose
 Storage report:
Total Block:  61071360
Block Size:  512
Page Size:  512
Num Physical:  3
Firmware Version:  3
Memory Type:  eMMC
 Dumping partition sbl1 with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1.bin.
 sector 8232, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition rpm with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpm.bin.
 sector 9256, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition tz with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tz.bin.
 sector 10280, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition devcfg with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfg.bin.
 sector 14376, sectors 512
 Dumping partition dsp with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\dsp.bin.
 sector 14888, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition mdtp with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\mdtp.bin.
 sector 47656, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition sbl1bak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1bak.bin.
 sector 113192, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition rpmbak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpmbak.bin.
 sector 114216, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition tzbak with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tzbak.bin.
 sector 115240, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition devcfgbak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfgbak.bin.
 sector 119336, sectors 512
 Dumping partition reserved0 with sector count 11224 as Backup\Lun\reserved0.bin.
 sector 119848, sectors 11224
 Dumping partition lksecapp with sector count 256 as Backup\Lun\lksecapp.bin.
 sector 131072, sectors 256
 Dumping partition cmnlib with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib.bin.
 sector 131328, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition cmnlib64 with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64.bin.
 sector 133376, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition keymaster with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\keymaster.bin.
 sector 135424, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition aboot with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\aboot.bin.
 sector 137472, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition vbmeta with sector count 128 as Backup\Lun\vbmeta.bin.
 sector 141568, sectors 128
 Dumping partition vk with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\vk.bin.
 sector 141696, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition em with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\em.bin.
 sector 145792, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition bksecapp with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\bksecapp.bin.
 sector 153984, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition btd with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\btd.bin.
 sector 155008, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition lksecappbak with sector count 256 as Backup\Lun\lksecappbak.bin.
 sector 156032, sectors 256
 Dumping partition cmnlibbak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlibbak.bin.
 sector 156288, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition cmnlib64bak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64bak.bin.
 sector 158336, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition keymasterbak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\keymasterbak.bin.
 sector 160384, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition abootbak with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\abootbak.bin.
 sector 162432, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition dtbo with sector count 16384 as Backup\Lun\dtbo.bin.
 sector 166528, sectors 16384
 Dumping partition vbmetabak with sector count 128 as Backup\Lun\vbmetabak.bin.
 sector 182912, sectors 128
 Dumping partition logdump with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\logdump.bin.
 sector 183040, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition reserved4 with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\reserved4.bin.
 sector 314112, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition param with sector count 24576 as Backup\Lun\param.bin.
 sector 379648, sectors 24576
 Dumping partition reserved1 with sector count 5376 as Backup\Lun\reserved1.bin.
 sector 404224, sectors 5376
 Dumping partition fsc with sector count 6656 as Backup\Lun\fsc.bin.
 sector 409600, sectors 6656
 Dumping partition ssd with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\ssd.bin.
 sector 416256, sectors 512
 Dumping partition mota with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\mota.bin.
 sector 416768, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition dip with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\dip.bin.
 sector 417792, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition reserved2 with sector count 6144 as Backup\Lun\reserved2.bin.
 sector 419840, sectors 6144
 Dumping partition ddr with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\ddr.bin.
 sector 425984, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition sec with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\sec.bin.
 sector 427008, sectors 512
 Dumping partition fsg with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\fsg.bin.
 sector 427520, sectors 20480
 Dumping partition limits with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\limits.bin.
 sector 448000, sectors 64
 Dumping partition devinfo with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\devinfo.bin.
 sector 448064, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition mcfg with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\mcfg.bin.
 sector 450112, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition reserved3 with sector count 448 as Backup\Lun\reserved3.bin.
 sector 458304, sectors 448
 Dumping partition pad with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\pad.bin.
 sector 458752, sectors 512
 Dumping partition modemst1 with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\modemst1.bin.
 sector 459264, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition modemst2 with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\modemst2.bin.
 sector 467456, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition sec_efs with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\sec_efs.bin.
 sector 475648, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition efs with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\efs.bin.
 sector 508416, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition splash with sector count 22528 as Backup\Lun\splash.bin.
 sector 541184, sectors 22528
 Dumping partition apdp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\apdp.bin.
 sector 563712, sectors 512
 Dumping partition msadp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\msadp.bin.
 sector 564224, sectors 512
 Dumping partition reserved5 with sector count 24576 as Backup\Lun\reserved5.bin.
 sector 564736, sectors 24576
 Dumping partition persist with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\persist.bin.
 sector 589312, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition misc with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\misc.bin.
 sector 654848, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition syscfg with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\syscfg.bin.
 sector 656896, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition dpo with sector count 16 as Backup\Lun\dpo.bin.
 sector 657920, sectors 16
 Dumping partition keystore with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\keystore.bin.
 sector 657936, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition config with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\config.bin.
 sector 658960, sectors 64
 Dumping partition oem with sector count 528816 as Backup\Lun\oem.bin.
 sector 659024, sectors 528816
 Dumping partition recovery with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\recovery.bin.
 sector 1187840, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition boot with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\boot.bin.
 sector 1318912, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition dtbobak with sector count 16384 as Backup\Lun\dtbobak.bin.
 sector 1449984, sectors 16384
 Dumping partition bota with sector count 139264 as Backup\Lun\bota.bin.
 sector 1466368, sectors 139264
 Dumping partition steady with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\steady.bin.
 sector 1605632, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition persistent with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\persistent.bin.
 sector 1613824, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition apnhlos with sector count 131080 as Backup\Lun\apnhlos.bin.
 sector 1614848, sectors 131080
 Dumping partition modem with sector count 140280 as Backup\Lun\modem.bin.
 sector 1745928, sectors 140280
 Dumping partition keyrefuge with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\keyrefuge.bin.
 sector 1886208, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition keydata with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\keydata.bin.
 sector 1918976, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition metadata with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\metadata.bin.
 sector 1951744, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition super with sector count 8445952 as Backup\Lun\super.bin.
 sector 2017280, sectors 8445952
 Dumping partition prism with sector count 716800 as Backup\Lun\prism.bin.
 sector 10463232, sectors 716800
 Dumping partition optics with sector count 184320 as Backup\Lun\optics.bin.
 sector 11180032, sectors 184320
 Dumping partition cache with sector count 327680 as Backup\Lun\cache.bin.
 sector 11364352, sectors 327680
 Dumping partition omr with sector count 102400 as Backup\Lun\omr.bin.
 sector 11692032, sectors 102400
 Dumping partition debug with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\debug.bin.
 sector 11794432, sectors 20480
Reading Skip Userdata: Completed
finished. total time: 3 minutes ~ 26 seconds
► Total Size In Folder : 5,765.0 Mb / 5.6 Gb


Monday, July 24, 2023

UFS Tool Flash Redmi Note 9 Merlin

Flash redmi Note 9,lakukan backup nv untuk jaga jaga kemudian jika setelah flashing mengalami masalah #The System Has Been Destroyed lakukan bypass ubl menggunakan UFS Tool,jika setelah ubl kasus terselesaikan namun hp hang logo permanen tinggal repair menggunakan UFS Tool pada tombol Repair data-Mount fail data..done Ribak tool to UFS Tool ...

Sunday, July 23, 2023

UFS Tool Mengembalikan Imei Redmi S2 Setelah eMMC Baru

Kasus diatas pengembalian imei setelah emmc diganti dengan yang baru,Ribak Tool To Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024

#UFS Android ToolBox...(Power Full)

#Remove Lock,Pin,Frp,Mi Cloud eMMC/UFS QULCOMM & MEDIATEK

Tentu updatean ini gratis untuk semua pengguna Ribak Tool,Setup sudah dishare digroup,bagi yang sudah berlangganan silahkan diunduh...
yang belum berlangganan bisa kemari...

Untuk melakukan write/repair imei,smartphone harus terkoneksi mode diag
Caranya sudah ada ditool ini,bisa menggunakan kode dial maupun adb to diag 
Kami(Team Ketua_Teknisi_HP) tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan fitur ini
silahkan write imei sesuai dus/box maupun yang terdaftar di kemenperin 
Link https://imei.kemenperin.go.id/ 
Jika anda setuju dengan kebijkan ini silahkan Klik tombol OKE
jika tidak silahkan KLIK tombol CANCEL

Monday, July 17, 2023

Test Point Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G Teruji

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Test Point Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G Teruji.Test point sudah teruji dengan seksama,untuk detail code namenya lihat log


Searching Device : Connected
Gathering Phone Info: OK
Brand: Redmi
Model: 2201116SG
Android Version: 12
Desc: veux_id-user 12 SKQ1.211006.001 V13.0.7.0.SKCIDXM release-keys
Flatform: arm64-v8a
Board Flatform: qcom
Board Flatform Type: holi

SWVER: unknown
SKQ1.211006.001 test-keys
USBType: adb
Encryption: encrypted
Modem: MPSS.HI.4.3.1.c4-00020-MANNAR_GEN_PACK-2_V050,MPSS.HI.4.3.1.c4-00020-MANNAR_GEN_PACK-2_V050
RF Cal. Date: 
Security Patch Date: 2023-03-01
CID: cat: /sys/class/block/mmcblk0/device/cid: No such file or directory
Code Name: 2201116SG
Product Region: 
Hw country: 
Status Bootloader: locked
Your Phone Name is: veux_id
Regional: ID
Language: in
IMEI: xxx
Serial number: xxx

Test Point Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G Teruji

Karena ini menggunakan loader auth,jadi kami tidak bisa memberikan log mode edlnya.selamat mencoba dan semoga sukse

Kode ic Power Redmi Note 9 Qualcomm

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Kode ic Power Redmi Note 9 Qualcomm.Berikut gambar code ic original yang bisa digunakan untuk mencontoh saat proses pergantian maupun letak pemasangan ic

Kode ic Power Redmi Note 9 Qualcomm
Untuk analisa kerusakan lebih lenjut silahkan menggunakan skema,Kumpulan Skema Xiaomi ,Lihat juga Persamaan ic dan Kodenya 

Redmi Note 5 Pro Mati Total Tanpa Tegangan

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Redmi Note 5 Pro Mati Total Tanpa Tegangan

Redmi Note 5 Pro Mati Total Tanpa Tegangan.Seperti judul yang telah kami sampaikan kasus mati total ini berawal dari smartphone low batre,lalu dilakukan pengecasan namun tidak bertambah malah berkurang hingga mati total dan tidak bisa dilakukan lagi pengecasan (Dongeng Dari Usernya).

Setelah kami lakukan pengecekan ternyata benar,tidak ada arus sama sekali baik itu dalam pengecekan via Power Suplay Maupun Usb Doctor,berhubung ini sudah menjadi penyakit langganan,maka kami putuskan untuk melakukan pergantian ic powernya.letak bisa lihat gambar berikut...
Redmi Note 5 Pro Mati Total Tanpa Tegangan

Bagi yang ingin melakukan pengukuran bisa menggunakan skema,ambil disini Schematic Redmi Note 5 pRO Code persamaan ic power bisa di cek disini  Persamaan Ic Power/ic PMi Android

Setelah smartphone normal,langsung gaskan akun google dan akun mi cloudnya (User Lupa Sandi) menggunakan UFS Tool

Panampakan videonya

Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Ribak Tool To Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024
Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024 

Ribak Tool To Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024.Ini merupakan tool dari pengembangan Ribak Tool,dimana pada UFS Android kami menambahkan beberapa fungsi diantaranya Read,Write,Erase UFS Qualcomm pada brand VIVO,OPPO,REALME.XIAOMI dan lainya..

Berikut beberapa penambahan fitur pada Ribak Tool-UFS Android ToolBox

#UFS Android ToolBox...(Power Full)
Brand Support : Asus,Advan,Blackberry,Blackshark,Gionee,Huawei,Hydrogen,Lenovo,Motorola,Letv,LG,Megafone,Meitu,Meizu,Micromax,Microsoft,Nokia,One Plus,Oppo,Realme,Sharp,Samsung,Smartisan,Sony,TCLVivo,Zte dan Brand lainya
CHIP Support :


#Remove Lock,Pin,Frp,Mi Cloud eMMC/UFS QULCOMM & MEDIATEK
#Repair Imei Qualcomm
#Repair Imei Mediatek Beta

Unlock Bootloader,Relock Bootloader,Remove Lock,Frp,Account Mi,Erase Efs etc

Opppo K7 5G PCLM50 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A32 PDVM00 New Metho
Oppo A32 PDVM00S Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A33 CPH2137 New Metho
Oppo A33 CPH2137 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A33F New Metho
Oppo A36 PESM10 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A37FW New Metho
Oppo A51W New Metho
Oppo A53 CPH2127 New Metho
Oppo A53 CPH2127 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A53s CPH2135 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A57 CPH1701 New Metho
Oppo A57 CPH1701 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A71 New Metho
Oppo A72 CPH2067 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A73 CPH2099 Support_Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A74 CPH2099 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A76 CPH2375 New Metho
Oppo A76 CPH2375 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A77s CPH2473 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
OPPO A95 CPH2365 New Metho
Oppo A95 CPH2365 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo A96 CPH2333 New Metho
Oppo A96 CPH2333 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo CPH1611 - CPH1613 New Metho
Oppo CPH2135 ,CPH2139 New Metho
Oppo F1f New Metho
Oppo F3 Plus Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo F17 CPH2095 New Metho
Oppo F17 CPH2095 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo F19 CPH2219 New Metho
Oppo F19 CPH2219 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo F19s CPH2223 New Metho
Oppo F19s CPH2223 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo F21 Pro Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo Find N 5G PEUM00 New Metho
Oppo Find X2 CPH2023 New Metho
Oppo Find X2 LITE CPH2005 New Metho
Oppo Find X2 LITE CPH2005 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo Find X2 Neo CPH2009 New Metho
Oppo Find X2 NEO CPH2009 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo Find X2 Pro CPH2025 New Metho
Oppo Find X3 Neo CPH2207 New Metho
Oppo Find X3 PEDM00 New Metho
Oppo Find X3 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
OPPO Find X5 Pro  CPH2305 New Metho
Oppo Find X5 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo K9s PERM10 New Metho
Oppo K10 CPH2373 New Metho
Oppo R7FW New Metho
Oppo R9s CPH1607 New Metho
Oppo RENO 3 PRO 5G CPH2009 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 4 5G CPH2091 New Metho
Oppo RENO 4 5G CPH2091 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 4 CPH2113 New Metho
Oppo RENO 4 CPH2113 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 4 PRO 5G Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 5 5G CPH2145 New Metho
Oppo RENO 5 5G CPH2145 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 5 CPH2159 New Metho
Oppo RENO 5 CPH2159 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 6 CPH2235 New Metho
Oppo RENO 6 CPH2235 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 6 LITE CPH2365 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 6 PRO 5G Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 7 CPH23Oppo RENO 7 CPH2363 New Metho
Oppo RENO 7 CPH2363 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo RENO 8 CPH2461 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo Reno 10x zoom CPH1919 New Methode
Oppo RENO X10 Zoom CPH1919 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Oppo Reno3 Pro 5G PCRM00 New Metho
Oppo Reno4 Pro 5G CPH2089 New Metho
Oppo Reno4 Pro CPH2109 New Metho
Oppo Reno6 Pro 5G CPH2247 New Metho
OPPO X9079 New Metho
REALME 7i RMX2103 New Metho
REALME 7i RMX2103 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Realme 9 RMX3521 New Metho
REALME 9 RMX3521 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
REALME C15 RMX2195 New Metho
REALME C15 RMX2195 Support_Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
REALME C17 RMX2101 New Metho
REALME C17 RMX2101 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Realme GT 2 RMX3311 New Metho
REALME GT 2 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Realme GT 5G RMX2202 New Metho
Realme GT Master Edition RMX3363 New Metho
Realme GT Master RMX3360 New Metho
Realme GT Neo2  RMX3370 New Metho
Realme Q5 Pro RMX3372 New Metho
Realme RMX3461 New Metho
Realme X2 Pro RMX1931 New Metho
Realme X2 PRO Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
RealMe X3 Super Zoom RMX2085 New Metho
Realme X50 5G RMX2144 New Metho
Realme X50 Pro 5G  RMX2076 New Metho
Realme X50 Support_Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Realme X50m Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Realme X50t Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs

Vivo  V20 2021PD2067F New Metho
Vivo iQOO 3 5G PD1955F New Metho
Vivo iQOO 7 Legend PD2049F New Metho
Vivo iQOO 7PD2055F New Metho
Vivo iQOO Neo 3 5G PD1981 New Metho
Vivo iQOO PD1824 New Metho
Vivo Iqoo PD1824 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo iQOO Pro 5G PD1916 New Metho
Vivo Iqoo U1 PD2023 New Metho
Vivo IQOO U1X  PD2065 New Metho
Vivo Iqoo3 PD1955 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Iqoo5 PD1955 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Iqoo7 PD2049 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Iqoo7Lite PD2055 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo IqooNeo PD1936 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo IqooNeo3 PD1981 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo IqooPro PD1916 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo IqooU1 PD2023 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo IqooU1x PD2023 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Nex 2 PD1821F New Metho
Vivo Nex 3 PD1924F New Metho
Vivo Nex PD1805 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Nex PD1805F New Metho
Vivo Nex2 PD1821F_Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Nex3 PD1924F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo PD1302F New Metho
Vivo PD1303F New Metho
Vivo PD1309F New Metho
Vivo PD1401F New Metho
Vivo PD1408F New Metho
Vivo PD1410F New Metho
Vivo PD1421F New Metho
Vivo PD1502F New Metho
Vivo PD1503F New Metho
Vivo PD1505F New Metho
Vivo PD1510F New Metho
Vivo PD1523F New Metho
Vivo PD1524F New Metho
Vivo PD1602 New Metho
Vivo PD1603 New Metho
Vivo PD1613BF New Metho
Vivo PD1613F New Metho
Vivo PD1621BF New Metho
Vivo PD1624F New Metho
Vivo PD1628F New Metho
Vivo PD1708F New Metho
Vivo PD1730BF New Metho
Vivo PD1730CF New Metho
Vivo PD1730F New Metho
Vivo PD1731F New Metho
Vivo PD1806 New Metho
Vivo PD1809 New Metho
Vivo PD1809# New Metho
Vivo PD1818 New Metho
Vivo PD1818EF New Metho
Vivo PD1818F-BF New Metho
Vivo PD1936 New Metho
Vivo PD1945F New Metho
Vivo PD1945GF New Metho
Vivo PD2024 New Metho
Vivo S1 PRO PD1945CF Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo S1 PRO PD1945F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo S5 PD1932 New Metho
Vivo T1 PD2115 New Metho
Vivo U10 PD1928F  New Metho
Vivo U20  PD1941 New Metho
Vivo U20  PD1941F New Metho
Vivo U20 PD1941F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V5 Plus PD1624F Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V7 PD1718F Support Reset,Demo,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V7 Plus PD1708F Support Reset,Demo,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V9 PD1730F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V9 Pro PD1730CF Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V9 Youth Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V11 PD1806 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V11 Pro PD1814F New Metho
Vivo V11 PRO PD1814F Support_Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V15 Pro PD1832F New Metho
Vivo V15 Pro PD1832F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V17 PD1948F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V17 Pro PD1931F New Metho
Vivo V17 Pro PD1931F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V17 V19 PD1948F New Metho
Vivo V19 Neo PD1948 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V19 PD1969F New Metho
Vivo V19 PD1969F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V20 2021 PD2067F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V20 PD2025 New Metho
Vivo V20 PD2039F New Metho
Vivo V20 PD2039F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V20 Pro PD2020F New Metho
Vivo V20 Pro PD2067F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V20 SE PD2038F New Metho
Vivo V20 SE PD2038F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V20 Se PD2067F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V21,V21e PD2107F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo V21-V21E PD2107FPD2107F New Metho
Vivo X20 PD1709F New Metho
Vivo X20 Plus PD1710F New Metho
Vivo X21 PD1728F New Metho
Vivo X27 PD1829 New Metho
Vivo X50  Pro PD2001F New Metho
Vivo X50 PD2006F New Metho
Vivo X50 Pro+ PD2005F New Metho
Vivo X60 PD2046F New Metho
Vivo X60 Pro PD2059F New Metho
Vivo X60 Pro PD2059F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y9s PD1945F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y11  2019  PD1930F New Metho
Vivo Y11,Y12i PD1930F Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y11s PD2024 Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y11S PD2042F New Metho
Vivo Y12a 2021 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y12s 2021 PD2060F New Metho
Vivo Y12s,Y12a PD2060 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y20 PD2034F New Metho
Vivo Y20,Y20s PD2034 Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y20T PD2093F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y20tPD2093F New Metho
Vivo Y21T PD1309 Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y35 2022 PD2225F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y35 PD1502F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y50 PD1965F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y50T PD2023E New Metho
Vivo Y50T PD2023E Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y51 2020 PD2044F New Metho
Vivo Y51 2020 PD2050F New Metho
Vivo Y51 PD2023E Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y51A Y51s PD2050 Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y52S PD2106 New Metho
Vivo Y53 PD1628CF Support Reset,Demo,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y53 PD1628F Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y55 PD1613F Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y55s PD1628CF Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y65 PD1621BF Support Reset Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y66 Support Unlock Bootloader
Vivo Y66i PD1621B Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y66L PD1621 Support Reset,Demo,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y70 PD2038F Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y71 PD1731F Support_Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Y79 Support Unlock Bootloader
Vivo Y91,93,95 PD1818 Support Reset,Demo,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Z1 Pro PD1911F New Metho
Vivo Z1i PD1730D New Metho
Vivo Z1Pro PD1911F Support Reset,Demo,Frp,Wipe Efs
Vivo Z1x PD2012 New Metho

Mi 3W,4 Lte Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi 4c Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi 4i Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi 4s Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi 6 Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi 6x Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Mi 8 Lite Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Mi 8 Pro Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Mi 8 SE Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Mi 8 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Mi 9 Se Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi A1 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Wipe Efs
Mi A2 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Mi Max 2 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Mi Max Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi Mix 2 Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi Mix 2s Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi Note Pro Support Unlock Bootloader
Mi Pad 4 Support Unlock Bootloader
Poco F1 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Poco M2 Pro Support Reset,Frp,MiCloud
Poco M3 Support Reset,Frp,Wipe Efs
Redmi 3,3Pro Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi 3s Clean Micloud
Redmi 3s Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi 4 Prime Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi 4 Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi 4a Clean micloud
Redmi 5 Plus Support Reset,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Redmi 5 Rosy Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi 5a Clean Micloud
Redmi 6 Pro Clean micloud
Redmi 6 Pro Ubl New Sakura Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi Note 3 Se Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi Note 3 Se Support Unlock Bootloader NEW
Redmi Note 3,3 Pro Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi Note 5 Pro Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi Note 5A Prime Support Unlock Bootloader
Redmi Note 6 Pro Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Redmi Note 7 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Redmi Note 8 Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Redmi Note 8T Support Reset,Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Micloud,Wipe Efs
Redmi Note4 4X Support Unlock Bootloader,Frp,Reset,Micloud.Wipe Efs
Redmi Note4,4X Support Clean_Micloud,Frp
Redmi S2 Support Unlock Bootloader

Sam SM-A015F New Metho
Sam SM-A025F New Metho
Sam SM-A115F New Metho
Sam SM-A705F New Metho
Sam SM-J415F New Metho
Sam SM-J610G New Metho
Sam SM-M015G New Metho
Sam SM-M025F New Metho
Sam SM-M115F New Metho

Unlock Bootloader,Relock Bootloader,Remove Lock,Frp,Account Mi,Erase Efs etc

Repair DM Verity Corupt
Vivo Test Device Limited
Vivo Fix Unknown Baseband
Oppo/Realme Can't Not Boot Repair
Oppo Realme Fix Tool Download Fail
Patch Signal Universall
Read,Write RPMB
Unlock/Relock Bootloader GENERAL

Remove Mi Cloud &Frp New Metho(Sideload)

Redmi Note 10 mojito  
Redmi Note 10 sunny  
Xiaomi 11T agate  
POCO F3 alioth 
Mi 10 Pro cmi 
Mi 11 Lite 4G courbet 
Note 9S/Redmi Note 9 Pro/Redmi Note 10 Lite curtana 
Redmi K20 / Mi 9T davinci  
Redmi Note 9 Pro Max excalibur 
Redmi 10C fog 
Mi 10T Lite / Mi 10i / Redmi Note 9 Pro gauguin  
Redmi Note 8 / 8T ginkgo  
Redmi Note 9 Pro joyeuse 
Redmi Note 9 4G/9T / 9 Powe lime 
Mi 11 LE / Xiao 11 Lite 5G lisa 
Redmi K20 Pro/Mi 9T Pro raphael 
Mi 11 Lite 5G renoir 
Redmi Note 10S / POCO M5S / Note 11 SE rosemary 
Redmi Note 11 spes 
Redmi Note 11 NFC spesn 
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro Star 
POCO X3 NFC surya 
Redmi Note 10 Pro / Pro Max sweetin  
Mi Note 10 Lite toco 
Mi 10 umi  
Mi 10T/Mi 10T Pro/Redmi K30S apollo 
POCO X3 Pro vayu 
Note 11 Pro 5G veux 
Xiaomi 11T Pro vili  
Xiaomi 12 Pro zeus 
POCO M2 Pro gram 
POCO X2 phoenixin 
Redmi Note 10 Pro sweet 

Vivo Add Bypasss Bootloader (Fastboot)

VIVO y51
iQOO8 Professional
iQOO5 Neo
VIVOX70 Pro+
VIVO V19 Neo

Update 06/23/2024

#Add List Qualcomm

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra SM-G998U
Samsung Galaxy A52 5G SM-A526U
Samsung Galaxy A71 SM-A716U
Samsung Galaxy Note10 PLUS SM-N975U
Samsung Galaxy Note10 SM-N970U
Samsung Galaxy Note20 5G SM-N981U
Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G SM-N986U
Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus SM-G975U
Samsung Galaxy S10 SM-G973U
Samsung Galaxy S10e SM-G970U
Samsung Galaxy S20 5G SM-G981U
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G SM- G781U
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G SM-G781V
Samsung Galaxy S20 PLUS 5G SM-G986U
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G SM-G988U
Samsung Galaxy S21 5G SM-G991U
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE SM-G990
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE SM-G990U
Samsung Galaxy S21 PLUS 5G SM-G996U
Samsung Galaxy S22 5G SM-S901E
Samsung Galaxy S22 PLUS 5G SM-S906U
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G SM-S908E
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G SM-S908U
Samsung Galaxy S23 5G SM-S911B
Samsung Galaxy S23 PLUS SM-S916B
Samsung Galaxy S23 PLUS SM-S916U
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G SM-S918B
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra SM-S918U
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 SM-F721U
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 5G SM-F711U
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G SM-F916U
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G SM-F926B
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 5G SM-F936B
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 5G SM-F936U

#Add list SPD

Infinix Hot 10i PR652B
Infinix Hot 12 Play X6816C
Infinix Smart 6 - A X6511 
Infinix Smart 6 - B X6511B
Realme C11 RMX3231
Realme C21Y RMX3261
Realme C21Y RMX3263
Realme C25Y RMX3265
Realme C25Y RMX3269
Realme C30 RMX3581 
Realme C31 RMX3501
Realme C35 RMX3511 
Realme Narzo 50A Prime RMX3516
Techno Pop 4 BC2C
Techno Pop 5 BD2 
Techno Pop 5 BD2P
Techno Pop 5 Go BD1
Techno Pop 5 Lte BD4
Techno Pova Neo LE6H
Techno Spark 7 PR651
Techno Spark 7 PR651E
Techno Spark 7 PR651H
Techno Spark 8C KG5K

Ribak Tool Update New Security 2024

Qualcomm Support
- Oppo A3s [CPH1803]
- Oppo A3s [CPH1853]
- Xiaomi Redmi 7 [Onclite]
- Xiaomi Redmi Y3 [Onclite]
- Auth Loader Xiaomi
- Auth Loader Oppo
- Auth Loader Vivo

MediaTek Support
- MT6763
- MT6765
- MT6771
- MT6761
- MT6768
- MT6853
- MT6877
- MT6761
- MT6765
- MT6768
- MT6761
- MT6765
- MT6768
- MT6771
- MT6781
- MT6833
- MT6853
- MT6877
- MT6765
- MT6768
- MT6781
- MT6853
Semua update tidak bisa disebutkan satu satu,tool akan terus update secara berkala...
info dan setup disini,,,,


Ribak Tool To Ufs Android ToolBox 2023-2024,Recommended Windows 8,10,11 64bit

250k+Vip Member Untuk Aktivasi 1PC (1TAHUN) aktivasi tahun berikutnya 50k.
450k+Vip Member Untuk Aktivasi 3PC (1TAHUN) aktivasi tahun berikutnya 50k. 
Khusus member tool aktivasi google drive hanya 100k/Tahun,tahun berikutnya 50k

Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku,membeli berarti sudah setuju dengan aturan yang ada...

Kontak info 085750300006-Alwy(Telegram Chat)
Kontak info 085845843343 Dedi Hariyadi/Berkah Ponsel(Telegram Chat)
Kontak info 085360920565-Ketua Teknisi(Telegram Chat)

*Segala bentuk kegagalan dan penyalah gunaan merupakan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya oleh pengguna

*Bagi yang masi awam dibidang software,dalam penggunaan tool akan kami bimbing lewat link tutorial yang sudah kami buat dan bisa juga mengikuti beberapa panduan video yang kami upload pada chanel kami dan bisa juga tanya jawab langsung di group

*Tim akan membantu dalam proses login sampe bisa digunakan dan support penuh jika tool ada masalah(bukan perihal eksekusi dan seterusnya)


Repair Imei Vivo

Lupa Akun/Pola Vivo Y12i Data Tidak Hilang
Dumping Partition Samsung A05

Xiaomi Fastboot Flash

Thursday, July 6, 2023

File Backupan Asus Zenfone Max (M2) ASUS X01AD/ZB633KL

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)


File Backupan Asus Zenfone Max (M2) ASUS X01AD/ZB633KL .File backupan ini menggunakan UFS Android ToolBox dimana methode ini kami anggap cara paling full untuk membackup sampe ke akar-akarnya.untuk toolnya sendiri (UFS Tool) masi dalam perjalanan.bagi yang membutuhkan file backupanya silahkan unduh dengan gratis


Power Off ... 

Edl Mode : Press Hold [Vol Up] + [Vol Down]
[or Methode Test Point]
Please USB Connect...  Waiting for Edl Mode...

 Mode detected: sahara
HWID:  0x000ba0e100000000 (MSM_ID:0x000ba0e1,OEM_ID:0x0000,MODEL_ID:0x0000)
CPU:  "SDM632"
PK HASH:  0x6d6287d60bc71172ebcbdcc1817c69a2fad9dcce60204d08c21f714a59aee934
Serial:  0x930cd58b
 Storage report:
Total Block:  61071360
Block Size:  512
Page Size:  512
Num Physical:  3
Firmware Version:  6
Memory Type:  eMMC
User Area:  31268536320Bytes

Analyzing System,Please WAIT.... 

BUILD : asus/WW_X01AD/ASUS_X01A_1:8.1.0/OPM1/15.2016.1902.159-20190227:user/release-keys
SECURITY PATCH  : 2019-02-01
BRAND : asus
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU ABILIST : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST32 : armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST64 : arm64-v8a
Manufacturer : asus
Build Description : msm8953_64-user 8.1.0 OPM1 3406 release-keys
Platform : msm8953
SIM State : unknown

Storage : SAMSUNG-BGA221
DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDDR3):3.00GB : prod_name : prod_name:RX1BMB

Total Real :29.12 GB
Identify Completed 

finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 17 seconds


Backup Before Doing Any Work
Save To Folder: \\Backup\Skip Userdata Incloud Raw Xml 
Power Off ... 

Edl Mode : Press Hold [Vol Up] + [Vol Down]
[or Methode Test Point]
Please USB Connect...  Waiting for Edl Mode...

 Mode detected: firehose
 Storage report:
Total Block:  61071360
Block Size:  512
Page Size:  512
Num Physical:  3
Firmware Version:  6
Memory Type:  eMMC
 Dumping partition modem with sector count 180224 as Backup\Lun\modem.bin.
 sector 131072, sectors 180224
 Dumping partition fsc with sector count 2 as Backup\Lun\fsc.bin.
 sector 393216, sectors 2
 Dumping partition ssd with sector count 16 as Backup\Lun\ssd.bin.
 sector 393224, sectors 16
 Dumping partition sbl1 with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1.bin.
 sector 393240, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition sbl1bak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\sbl1bak.bin.
 sector 394264, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition rpm with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpm.bin.
 sector 395288, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition rpmbak with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\rpmbak.bin.
 sector 396312, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition tz with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tz.bin.
 sector 397336, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition tzbak with sector count 4096 as Backup\Lun\tzbak.bin.
 sector 401432, sectors 4096
 Dumping partition devcfg with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfg.bin.
 sector 405528, sectors 512
 Dumping partition devcfgbak with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\devcfgbak.bin.
 sector 406040, sectors 512
 Dumping partition dsp with sector count 32768 as Backup\Lun\dsp.bin.
 sector 406552, sectors 32768
 Dumping partition modemst1 with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\modemst1.bin.
 sector 439320, sectors 3072
 Dumping partition modemst2 with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\modemst2.bin.
 sector 442392, sectors 3072
 Dumping partition DDR with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\DDR.bin.
 sector 524288, sectors 64
 Dumping partition fsg with sector count 3072 as Backup\Lun\fsg.bin.
 sector 524352, sectors 3072
 Dumping partition sec with sector count 32 as Backup\Lun\sec.bin.
 sector 527424, sectors 32
 Dumping partition splash with sector count 18432 as Backup\Lun\splash.bin.
 sector 655360, sectors 18432
 Dumping partition splashlk with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\splashlk.bin.
 sector 673792, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition splashkernel with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\splashkernel.bin.
 sector 675840, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition splashsocbattery with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\splashsocbattery.bin.
 sector 677888, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition splashlowbattery with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\splashlowbattery.bin.
 sector 679936, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition aboot with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\aboot.bin.
 sector 786432, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition abootbak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\abootbak.bin.
 sector 788480, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition dtbo with sector count 16384 as Backup\Lun\dtbo.bin.
 sector 790528, sectors 16384
 Dumping partition dtbobak with sector count 16384 as Backup\Lun\dtbobak.bin.
 sector 806912, sectors 16384
 Dumping partition vbmeta with sector count 128 as Backup\Lun\vbmeta.bin.
 sector 823296, sectors 128
 Dumping partition vbmetabak with sector count 128 as Backup\Lun\vbmetabak.bin.
 sector 823424, sectors 128
 Dumping partition boot with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\boot.bin.
 sector 823552, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition recovery with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\recovery.bin.
 sector 954624, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition devinfo with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\devinfo.bin.
 sector 1085696, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition fsgall with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\fsgall.bin.
 sector 1087744, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition system with sector count 8388608 as Backup\Lun\system.bin.
 sector 1095936, sectors 8388608
 Dumping partition vendor with sector count 1638400 as Backup\Lun\vendor.bin.
 sector 9484544, sectors 1638400
 Dumping partition cache with sector count 716800 as Backup\Lun\cache.bin.
 sector 11141120, sectors 716800
 Dumping partition persist with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\persist.bin.
 sector 11857920, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition misc with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\misc.bin.
 sector 11923456, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition keystore with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\keystore.bin.
 sector 11925504, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition config with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\config.bin.
 sector 11926528, sectors 64
 Dumping partition oem with sector count 524288 as Backup\Lun\oem.bin.
 sector 11926592, sectors 524288
 Dumping partition limits with sector count 64 as Backup\Lun\limits.bin.
 sector 12451840, sectors 64
 Dumping partition mota with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\mota.bin.
 sector 12582912, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition dip with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\dip.bin.
 sector 12583936, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition mdtp with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\mdtp.bin.
 sector 12585984, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition syscfg with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\syscfg.bin.
 sector 12651520, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition mcfg with sector count 8192 as Backup\Lun\mcfg.bin.
 sector 12652544, sectors 8192
 Dumping partition lksecapp with sector count 256 as Backup\Lun\lksecapp.bin.
 sector 12713984, sectors 256
 Dumping partition lksecappbak with sector count 256 as Backup\Lun\lksecappbak.bin.
 sector 12714240, sectors 256
 Dumping partition cmnlib with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib.bin.
 sector 12714496, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition cmnlibbak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlibbak.bin.
 sector 12716544, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition cmnlib64 with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64.bin.
 sector 12718592, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition cmnlib64bak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\cmnlib64bak.bin.
 sector 12720640, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition keymaster with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\keymaster.bin.
 sector 12722688, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition keymasterbak with sector count 2048 as Backup\Lun\keymasterbak.bin.
 sector 12724736, sectors 2048
 Dumping partition apdp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\apdp.bin.
 sector 12845056, sectors 512
 Dumping partition msadp with sector count 512 as Backup\Lun\msadp.bin.
 sector 12845568, sectors 512
 Dumping partition dpo with sector count 16 as Backup\Lun\dpo.bin.
 sector 12846080, sectors 16
 Dumping partition logdump with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\logdump.bin.
 sector 12846096, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition asusfw with sector count 131072 as Backup\Lun\asusfw.bin.
 sector 12977168, sectors 131072
 Dumping partition APD with sector count 409600 as Backup\Lun\APD.bin.
 sector 13108240, sectors 409600
 Dumping partition ADF with sector count 86016 as Backup\Lun\ADF.bin.
 sector 13517840, sectors 86016
 Dumping partition asdf with sector count 65536 as Backup\Lun\asdf.bin.
 sector 13603856, sectors 65536
 Dumping partition priv with sector count 1024 as Backup\Lun\priv.bin.
 sector 13669392, sectors 1024
 Dumping partition factory with sector count 20480 as Backup\Lun\factory.bin.
 sector 13670416, sectors 20480
 Dumping partition version with sector count 256 as Backup\Lun\version.bin.
 sector 13762560, sectors 256
Reading Skip Userdata: Completed
finished. total time: 3 minutes ~ 40 seconds
► Total Size In Folder : 6,272.2 Mb / 6.1 Gb


File backupan Asus Zenfone Max (M2) ASUS X01AD/ZB633KL.Silahkan flash menggunakan tool qualcomm apapun.Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Vivo Disable Security Qualcomm

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Vivo Disable Security Qualcomm.Methode ini ditujukan agar proses flashing bisa berjalan sebagaimana semestinya,bisa juga methode ini digunakan untuk kegiatan Remove Lock,Pin,Frp dan lainya.teruji dibeberapa model vivo android terbaru...

Penggunaan,buka Ribak Tool ,masukan firehose,centang auto loader,pilihan brand kemudian lakukan identify,setelah sukses klik tombol Vivo Disable Security masukan nomer port Lihat Gambar:
Vivo Disable Security Qualcomm

kemudian klik,jika sukses maka akan muncul logo seperti ini,Lihat Gambar:
Vivo Disable Security Qualcomm

Setelah berhasil,lanjut kegiatan seperti flashing unlock dan seterusnya..


Detected Port: OK
Mode : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008

MSM_HW_ID : 0x000bf0e1
OEM_PK_HASH : 0x60ba997fef6da9f05885fa11f1dd6d2a90d052a257a09c2075d7246cc73c0d43
SBL SW Version :  0x00000000
Target Name : Unknown

Analysing Chip...
Auto Detected Loader... OK, Status... Succeeded

Researching USB Devices...OK
Port Device Detect : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 COM10
Connection Status : USB High Speed
Driver Manufacturer : Qualcomm Incorporated

Selected Programmer : Auto Loader Vivo

Sending Boot...Device Already On Boot Programing Mode
Authentication Running...

Storage : SAMSUNG-BGA221
DRAM:MCP(eMMC+LPDDR3):3.00GB : eMMC, prod_name:GD6BMB

Partition Info... 
Disk Gpt :  34 sectors, 17.0 KiB
Sector Size (Logical) :  512 bytes
Boot 1 : 4Mb,Boot 2 : 4Mb,User area : 31268536320
Total Real : 29.12 GB
Analyzing System.... 
BUILD : vivo/1807/1807:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.026/compil03161051:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : OPM1.171019.026
SECURITY PATCH  : 2021-07-01
MODEL : vivo 1807
BRAND : vivo
NAME : msm8937_64
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU ABILIST : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST32 : armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST64 : arm64-v8a
Manufacturer : vivo
Build Description : msm8937_64-user 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.026 eng.compil.20230316.105143 release-keys
OS : Funtouch OS_4.5
Name : 1807
Model : 1807
Oem : PD1818F_EX PD1818BF_EX PD1818IF_EX
System Product : PD1818F_EX_A_1.21.12
Platform : msm8937
SIM State : unknown
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Auto Backup Gpt =  OK>>>Save To Folder : \\ Gpt

finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 26 seconds


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