Saturday, December 31, 2022

Redmi Note 8 Qualcomm,Lupa Akun Goolge,Frp Done Dengan Beberapa Gerakan

Methode lupa akun google selesai menggunakan ribak tool.pilih auto loader xiaomi maupun custom loader pada ribak tool,kemudian klik identify,setelah semua partisi terbaca klik menu #Special 1,pilih remove akun google New Methode...sukses


Searching USB Devices...OK
Port Device Detect : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 COM15
Connection Status : USB High Speed
Driver Manufacturer : Qualcomm Incorporated

Selected Programmer : CUSTOM XIAOMI
Status>>>... Checking Device

SerialNumber: 0xa673b89b
MSM_HW_ID: 0x0010a0e1
OEM_PK_HASH: 0x1bebe3863a6781db4b01086063007334de9e5ca14971c7c4f4358ec9d79cda46
SBL SW Version: 0x00000001
Sending Boot... OK   ✓

Storage :  INFO: eMMC Extended CSD Revision: 0x8

Disk Gpt :  34 sectors, 17.0 KiB
Sector Size (Logical) :  512 bytes
Boot 1 : 4096Mb,Boot 2 : 4096Mb,User area : 62537072640
Total Real : 58.24 GB

Listing part... 
Partition : switch Total : 8192Bytes
Partition : ssd Total : 8192Bytes
Partition : secdata Total : 32768Bytes
Partition : limits Total : 32768Bytes
Partition : multoem Total : 32768Bytes
Partition : multqti Total : 32768Bytes
Partition : qupfw Total : 65536Bytes
Partition : qupfwbak Total : 65536Bytes
Partition : vbmeta Total : 65536Bytes
Partition : vbmetabak Total : 65536Bytes
Partition : xbl_config Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : xbl_configbak Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : devcfg Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : devcfgbak Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : bk0 Total : 94208Bytes
Partition : storsec Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : fsc Total : 131072Bytes
Partition : apdp Total : 262144Bytes
Partition : rpm Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : rpmbak Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : hyp Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : hypbak Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : keymaster Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : keymasterbak Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : cmnlib Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : cmnlib64 Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : cmnlibbak Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : cmnlib64bak Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : keystore Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : frp Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : catefv Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : uefivarstore Total : 524288Bytes
Partition : abl Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : ablbak Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : ddr Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : bluetooth Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : bluetoothbak Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : misc Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : dip Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : toolsfv Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : catecontentfv Total : 1048576Bytes
Partition : imagefv Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : imagefvbak Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : uefisecapp Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : uefisecappbak Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : cateloader Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : modemst1 Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : modemst2 Total : 2097152Bytes
Partition : xbl Total : 3670016Bytes
Partition : xblbak Total : 3670016Bytes
Partition : tz Total : 4194304Bytes
Partition : tzbak Total : 4194304Bytes
Partition : mdtpsecapp Total : 4194304Bytes
Partition : mdtpsecappbak Total : 4194304Bytes
Partition : spunvm Total : 8388608Bytes
Partition : bk1 Total : 1572864Bytes
Partition : devinfo Total : 16777216Bytes
Partition : logfs Total : 8388608Bytes
Partition : fsg Total : 10485760Bytes
Partition : metadata Total : 16777216Bytes
Partition : bk2 Total : 14680064Bytes
Partition : oops Total : 16777216Bytes
Partition : dtbo Total : 25165824Bytes
Partition : dtbobak Total : 25165824Bytes
Partition : mdtp Total : 33554432Bytes
Partition : mdtpbak Total : 33554432Bytes
Partition : dsp Total : 33554432Bytes
Partition : dspbak Total : 33554432Bytes
Partition : persist Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : persistbak Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : logo Total : 33554432Bytes
Partition : boot Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : bootbak Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : splash Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : logdump Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : recovery Total : 67108864Bytes
Partition : rawdump Total : 134217728Bytes
Partition : minidump Total : 134217728Bytes
Partition : exaid Total : 402653184Bytes
Partition : modem Total : 268435456Bytes
Partition : modembak Total : 268435456Bytes
Partition : cache Total : 402653184Bytes
Partition : gsort Total : 16777216Bytes
Partition : cust Total : 1073741824Bytes
Partition : vendor Total : 1610612736Bytes
Partition : system Total : 4831838208Bytes
Partition : userdata Total : 52554612224Bytes

BUILD : xiaomi/ginkgo/ginkgo:9/PKQ1.190616.001/V11.0.7.0.PCOIDXM:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : PKQ1.190616.001
SECURITY PATCH  : 2020-09-01
MODEL : Redmi Note 8
BRAND : xiaomi
NAME : ginkgo
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU ABILIST : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST32 : armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST64 : arm64-v8a
Build Description : ginkgo-user 9 PKQ1.190616.001 V11.0.7.0.PCOIDXM release-keys
Miui Version : V11
MODE DEVICE  : ginkgo_id_global
Manufacturer : Xiaomi
Platform : trinket
SIM State : unknown
Scan partition... OK   ✓
Identify Succes
Auto Backup Gpt =  OK>>>Save To Folder : \\ Gpt

Auto Backup Efs =  OK>>>Save To Folder : \\ Efs

finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 28 seconds


Backup Before Doing Any Work

Executing Commands Remove Frp New Methode... OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds

Untuk pengguna ribak tool bisa lihat video dibawah ini...


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