Thursday, January 20, 2022

Firmware VIVO Y30i Backupan UFI BOX

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Firmware VIVO Y30i Backupan UFI BOX
ufi box

Firmware VIVO Y30i Backupan UFI BOX.Firmware backupan hasil langsung dari smartphonenya menggunakan ufi box.bisa dikatakan ini file masi langka hehe..maka pada post ini kami membagikanya secara free guna mengatasi masalah pada kasus Software

Log Ufi Box...

AUTH info: MTK, version: 1
Firmware package: Y30_PD1987F
BROM version[1]: 7.2137.0.0
DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
hash: f5b40a757b95c0d4e4ab1a1fdbb2522750568e6c, size: 528.48 KiB
version: 3.3001.2018/03/22022/01/20 00:46:38, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Hold the VOL UP to force MediaTek BootROM.
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port... Done
Detected [BootROM]  [VID: 0E8D, PID: 0003] MediaTek USB Port (COM8)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB[#5]:USB 1.10 High-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] wdm_usb, version: 3.0.1504.0, date: 1-22-2016
Connecting Bootrom... 
Sending Download Agent... 
Platform: MT6765, hw ver: 0xCA00, sw ver: 0x0000
Secure ver: 0x00, BL ver: 0x00
SRAM size: 256 KiB
DRAM size: 768 MiB
ME_ID: d8a499aceaff16f6f3bae022371f7213
SOC_ID: 8d1d40302670c50bfe1feb94fede025a58ce51ac3a344ed136373774ac064baf
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: DH6DAB (0x444836444142), rev: 0x02, serial number: 0x80CFCCAF
Manufacturing date: Nov 2020
CID: 15010044 48364441 420280CF CCAFB775
Capacity: 58.27 GiB (62,562,238,464 bytes)
Boot1: 4 MiB
Boot2: 4 MiB
RPMB: 16384 KiB (Provisioned)
User area: 58.24 GiB(62,537,072,640 bytes)
USB speed: High-Speed

platform: mt6765, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: vivo
board: k65v1_64_bsp, name: full_k65v1_64_bsp
brand: vivo, model: vivo 1938N
build id: QP1A.190711.020, version: 10 [Android 10] (QP1A.190711.020 release-keys)
build date: Tue Aug 31 17:34:35 CST 2021, security patch: 2021-09-01
build description: full_k65v1_64_bsp-user 10 QP1A.190711.020 compiler08311716 release-keys

Internal storage: 48.65 GiB
crypto state: unencrypted
QP1A.190711.020 release-keys

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