Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)
Firmware Oppo A1601 (OPPO F1s) Backupan Normal Menggunakan UFI BOX-New Link Google Drive.Firmware ini kami backup dari smartphone yang normal jaya menggunakan ufi box,mana kala ada yang membutuhkan untuk perbaikan kasus tertentu silahkan unduh secara gratisssssssss
Log Info:
AUTH info: , version: 0
BROM version[1]: 7.1945.3.0
DA: MTK_AllInOne_DAA[0].bin
hash: ac6312187808a58e62dd43d07aa4b6e64b4cbf86, size: 750.61 KiB
version: 3.3001.00.00, start addr: 0x40000800
Connecting to BootROM...
Power off the phone, disconnect and reconnect the battery(if possible) and connect USB cable...
Hold the VOL UP to force MediaTek BootROM.
Scanning BootROM or Preloader port... Done
Detected [BootROM] MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM27)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 1.10 Full-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] wdm_usb, version: 3.0.1504.0, date: 1-22-2015
Connecting Bootrom...
Sending Download Agent...
Platform: MT6750, Hw ver: 0xCB00, Sw ver: 0x0001
Secure ver: 0x00, BL ver: 0x00
SRAM size: 256 KiB
DRAM size: 2 GiB
ME ID: f1698aa68a92780a39fc9238745ff324
Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x13 (Micron)
Product name: Q3J97V (0x51334a393756), rev: 0x10, serial number: 0x03171B96
Manufacturing date: Oct 2016
CID: 13014E51 334A3937 56100317 1B96A319
Capacity: 29.13 GiB(31,281,119,232 bytes)
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB (key not exist)
User area: 29.12 GiB(31,268,536,320 bytes)
USB speed: Full-Speed
Switching to High-Speed USB...
Switching to USB High-Speed...
Scanning DA USB High-Speed port... Done
Detected [DA] MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android) (COM28)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 1.10 High-Speed
USB Driver: [MediaTek Inc.] wdm_usb, version: 3.0.1504.0, date: 1-22-2015
platform: MT6755, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: OPPO
board: full_oppo6750_15331, name: A1601
brand: OPPO, model: A1601 (OPPO F1s)
build id: LMY47I, version: 5.1 Lollipop (A1601EX_11_A.41_191226)
build description: full_oppo6750_15331-user 5.1 LMY47I 1577332894 release-keys
build version: A1601EX_11_A.41_191226
screen resolution: 1280 x 720
main camera: s5k3l8_mipi_raw
lens: dw9718af
front camera: s5k3p3sp_mipi_raw
audio: amp_6323pmic_spk
touch: GT1XX
modem: oppo6750_15331_lwg
PCBA: 001533126B23024600029462
imei[1]: 863525031197272
imei[2]: 863525031197264
encrypted imei[1]: 863525031197272
Internal storage: 25.59 GiB
crypto state: unencrypted
Reading preloader... Done
Reading pgpt... Done
Reading recovery... Done
Reading para... Done
Reading reserve1... Done
Reading reserve2... Done
Reading reserve3... Done
Reading reserve4... Done
Reading oppo_custom... Done
Reading expdb... Done
Reading frp... Done
Reading nvdata... Done
Reading metadata... Done
Reading protect1... Done
Reading protect2... Done
Reading seccfg... Done
Reading oemkeystore... Done
Reading proinfo... Done
Reading md1img... Done
Reading md1dsp... Done
Reading md1arm7... Done
Reading md3img... Done
Reading nvram... Done
Reading lk... Done
Reading lk2... Done
Reading boot... Done
Reading logo... Done
Reading tee1... Done
Reading tee2... Done
Reading secro... Done
Reading keystore... Done
Reading reserve_exp1... Done
Reading system... Done
Reading reserve_exp2... Done
Reading reserve_exp3... Done
Reading cache... Done
Reading flashinfo... Done
Files saved to \\%BACKUPS%\Oppo\F1\A1601EX_11_A.41_191226\
Completed in 2 mins 23.290 s
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