Service emmc & Repair guide
Product name: R311MB (0x523331314d42), rev: 0x01, serial number: 0x8424D01A
Manufacturing date: May 2015
CID: 15010052 3331314D 42018424 D01A52A2
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 14.57 GiB(15,646,851,072 bytes)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.56 GiB(15,634,268,160 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
ANDROID ROM detected:
platform: msm8916, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: asus
board: msm8916, name: WW_Phone
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00RD
build id: LRX22G, version: 5.0.2 (LRX22G.WW_Phone-
build description: WW_Phone-user 5.0.2 LRX22G release-keys
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 3.0 V
Bus: 8 bit (HS SDR 52MHz)
Access mode: sector mode
Power supply: dual-voltage (1.70-1.95V, 2.7-3.6V)
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded) - High density MMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x90 (SK Hynix)
Product name: H8G1e (0x483847316505), rev: 0x07, serial number: 0xB9A13CF1
Manufacturing date: Jun 2015
CID: 90014A48 38473165 0507B9A1 3CF1621A
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF FFFFFFEF 8A4040D2
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 7.28 GiB(7,818,182,656 bytes)
Cache size: 1 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: msm8916, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: asus
board: msm8916, name: OPEN_Phone
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00RD
build id: LRX22G, version: 5.0.2 Lollipop (OPEN_Phone-userdebug 5.0.2 LRX22G test-keys)
build description: OPEN_Phone-userdebug 5.0.2 LRX22G test-keys
Product name: R311MB (0x523331314d42), rev: 0x01, serial number: 0x8424D01A
Manufacturing date: May 2015
CID: 15010052 3331314D 42018424 D01A52A2
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E40400C
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Capacity: 14.57 GiB(15,646,851,072 bytes)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 14.56 GiB(15,634,268,160 bytes)
Cache size: 64 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
ANDROID ROM detected:
platform: msm8916, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: asus
board: msm8916, name: WW_Phone
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00RD
build id: LRX22G, version: 5.0.2 (LRX22G.WW_Phone-
build description: WW_Phone-user 5.0.2 LRX22G release-keys
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 3.0 V
Bus: 8 bit (HS SDR 52MHz)
Access mode: sector mode
Power supply: dual-voltage (1.70-1.95V, 2.7-3.6V)
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded) - High density MMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x90 (SK Hynix)
Product name: H8G1e (0x483847316505), rev: 0x07, serial number: 0xB9A13CF1
Manufacturing date: Jun 2015
CID: 90014A48 38473165 0507B9A1 3CF1621A
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF FFFFFFEF 8A4040D2
EXT_CSD revision: 1.7 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 4096 KiB
User area: 7.28 GiB(7,818,182,656 bytes)
Cache size: 1 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x00
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
Device is not boot-enabled (default)
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked
platform: msm8916, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: asus
board: msm8916, name: OPEN_Phone
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00RD
build id: LRX22G, version: 5.0.2 Lollipop (OPEN_Phone-userdebug 5.0.2 LRX22G test-keys)
build description: OPEN_Phone-userdebug 5.0.2 LRX22G test-keys
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